Solutions & Services

People buy from people they trust. That’s why everything we do is designed to build the trust in your company that is integral to sales growth. Volker Marketing Services supports a broad range of industries, marketing segments and specialties. Your needs drive our scope of involvement — from concept to completion, one-time project to longer term staff augmentation, scaled to your preference.

Our resources and connections are expansive, so if you have a marketing need or challenge that falls outside the scope of services below, please reach out!

Strategic Planning and Execution

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When an organization’s resources are stretched thin, and when the pressure is on to increase revenue, marketing strategy is often one of the first things to be pushed aside as a nice-to-do, and marketing budgets are slashed as a cost reduction measure. In reality an executable marketing strategy is a keystone to your company’s success.

Organizational goals and objectives, product roadmaps and sales & marketing strategies not only need to be developed, but more importantly linked. Volker Marketing Services utilizes the proprietary Trust Framework to assess, report, and develop a marketing strategy and execution plan that fits your overall growth goals, is scalable, and proves its worth time and time again.

Market and Marketing Research


The terms market research and marketing research are two distinct terms. Both are critical to helping you make informed and data driven decisions of how, or if, you should amend or expand your product lines—ultimately shedding light on how you can grow your business.

Volker Marketing Services helps you identify new market segments, new target audience opportunities, competitive threats or opportunities, and assess accompanying risks and rewards. We bring in fresh eyes and honest, unbiased feedback to help you identify and leverage your differentiators. Our research culminates in your ability to confidently communicate your value proposition/s to prospects and clients.

Demand and Lead Generation

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How many times do you hear from your sales team, or have you said to your marketing team, ‘We just need more qualified leads!’? What many fail to realize is that brand demand (and trust) must be built before qualified leads can be gained. Building awareness, understanding, and belief that leads to action is equal parts art and science. Knowing when and how to strategically utilize demand over lead, or lead over demand generating activities can be the difference between sales stagnation or sales increase. VMS specializes in the assessment, creation, and implementation of marketing plans that balance demand and lead generation in a way that best spotlight your products and services to your defined audiences and personas.

Trade Shows and Events


Trade Show and Event participation often takes the prize for evoking the strongest emotional response to the perceived value of participation. Past experiences, costs to participate and the time involved to effectively plan and execute often appear to outweigh the benefits. VMS utilizes a quantitative and qualitative evaluation system to help you determine your most strategically advantageous scope of participation.

The pivot to virtual events presented new challenges for trade show marketing that are not for the faint of heart. And now, in many cases hybrid events are adding a new level of complexity. Attracting attendees, keeping the attention of those who attend, securing speakers, training to present in a virtual environment, utilizing technology…the list goes on. Volker Marketing Services, with our client side experience, will work with your exhibit company and show management to plan and execute an event that promises to exceed your goals and objectives.

As an Exhibitor Magazine All-Star Award winner and with more than 25 years helping organizations create exceptional events, Judy Volker can provide, from concept to completion, or component to full program, trade show and event support for your organization.

Presentation Skills and Speaker Coaching

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We’ve all seen the humorous, or not so humorous outtakes of people falling asleep in a video meeting. You’ve likely sat in a session where people leave the room, either literally or figuratively, because the presentation is so poorly delivered. Perhaps your normally well-attended webinars have waning attendance, or attendees drop off before the end time? And of course, you must find the time to prepare a call for presentation to even compete for a coveted speaking engagement.

The competition for mind share, for attaining and retaining audience attention, has never been greater. VMS gives your team the tools, skills and confidence to engage, attain and retain. And if requested, VMS will provide speakers to augment your team and present on your behalf.

Association Memberships and Sponsorships


Industry association and affiliation participation are strategic initiatives requiring thorough evaluation and an on-going time commitment to ensure the cost-to-benefit ratio makes sense for your short and long term goals. In many cases memberships can be primary demand and lead generating strategies.

VMS will perform organization, association and sponsorship evaluations. We’ll also work directly with the organization or association to secure your membership and manage membership benefits. Whether it be evaluation, or full scope involvement as your company’s liaison, we protect and leverage your investment.

Content Management


The statement ‘Content is king’ is attributed to a Bill Gates essay written in 1996. What was true in 1996 holds true today. There is no lack of content available in today’s ubiquitous information sharing, and there-in is the challenge. Content must tell a story where the reader can envision themselves as part of that story, and identify with ‘plot line’.

VMS content creators will help identify topics, develop the content strategy, and produce content that resonates with the right audiences, at the right time, and through the right medium. And, if you prefer to create your own content, we also provide content editing to ensure that always important ‘fresh set of eyes’ to ensure a positive impression.

Media Relations and Thought Promotion


With the growth and expansion of social media, media relations has taken on a new meaning. The term ‘Press Release’ is often just a name for how an announcement is formatted. The mediums and the methodologies for reaching editors and writers have changed. ‘Pay-to-play’ has frequently replaced true editorial content and the lines are blurred between editorial and advertorial.

Volker Marketing Services is poised to help you evaluate your best media relations and thought promotion strategy. We can work with your existing agency or develop a media relations/thought promotion strategy that works within your company’s strategic and budgetary objectives.

Digital Marketing


Digital Marketing, while technically a tactic of inbound marketing strategy, has become a stand-alone marketing specialty. Randomly or infrequently posting on social media, in the absence of a more integrated digital or combined digital and off-line strategy, results in fragmented messaging and loses the advantage of consistency and repetition.

Volker Marketing Services can help you determine where, when and most importantly why digital marketing plays a role in your marketing strategy. And as always, our scope of involvement can range from advising to ‘making it happen’.